This week’s Friday resource comes from Inc. and offers 6 ways to incorporate play into the workplace.

In the workplace, play has long been regarded as the opposite of work. Instead of placing them on opposite ends of the spectrum, what if we combined them? What if we could get work results from prioritizing play?

Work that involves play allows employees to engage creatively, empathize, and experiment.

There are a number of ways to play, some of which can be integrated into not only the workplace, but also the work itself. Per Brendan Boyle, IDEO partner and Inc. contributor, here are types of play that employees and companies can introduce and reap the benefits.

1. Cooperative Play
Games spark healthy competition while also inspiring teamwork, camaraderie and fun. The same is true for a well-run brainstorm. And we all know that with better ideas, the entire team wins.

2. Risk-Taking Play
Kids are used to not winning the first time they try playing a game, so it doesn’t stop them from getting back on the field. Recovering after a loss allows you to learn faster and get closer to a win than if you never tried at all.

Read the full article here.

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