Fierce Tip Welcome the Chance to Unearth a Mokita- Fierce, Inc

“Mokita”- that which everyone knows and no one speaks of.

The term “mokita” derives from The Papuans of New Guinea. In western culture, we commonly refer to these unspoken issues as “the elephant in the room” or the “800 pound gorilla”.

Whatever you call it, we universally recognize that our lives contain a certain number of things we try to ignore.

This week’s tip is to open yourself up and welcome the chance to unearth a “mokita”.

If you’re a leader within an organization, suggest having an “Annual Mokita Amnesty Day”. This would be a time where your team can get together and put words to those unspoken issues that linger in your hallways. The goal is to stay current and avoid creating an even bigger “mokita”.

It is critical before you call the meeting to ask yourself: Am I ready to hear what may come up?

If the answer is “no”, or even a very shaky “maybe”, take some serious time to examine if you want to hear the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Unearthing a “mokita” should not to be taken lightly. However, avoiding it helps no one.

If you’re questioning whether you’re ready to hear what others might say, tally for yourself how much each “hidden” truth is costing you, your team, and your company.

The Papuans of New Guinea judge the health of any community by the number of “mokitas” that exists. Leaders who have the courage to address these issues head on show that, above all else, they care most about the health of their teams.

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