The Future of Communication with CEO, Ed Beltran: “Is Measuring Employee Engagement Outdated?”

In response to Fast Company’s recent article, Employee engagement is out. Here’s a better metric.


Hello, everyone, I’m Edward Beltran. I want to share with you an article I recently read on Fast Company, where the research and the premise are asking the question, “Is employee engagement, a good and effective metric?” The premises that it doesn’t necessarily correlate with a thriving culture or exceptional results. I don’t think anyone will argue with the fact that employee engagement is a good thing. I believe what the research is challenging instead, is instead of focusing on this one metric, really looking at the behaviors that define great work, and when you distill that down a little bit, they’re saying good work is just getting the job done, where great work is exceptional, innovative and groundbreaking. They identify five observable behaviors, three of which I want to highlight here.

The first one is asking questions.
The employee would constantly be asking, how might this be better? How might we do this? How might we think about what we do differently?

The second one is deeper involvement.
Wanting to interact with clients, products, or assembly, especially if this is outside of their current scope. This is really pulling customer-centricity into every function.

The third one I want to highlight is gathering information from a broad array of experts and resources, not just relying upon internal institutional knowledge.

I think it’s very, very important to bring in different dynamics, and not being so insular in how you think I think about things. So whether you believe that employee engagements and effective measure or not, the challenge is really to ask what behaviors correlate most to a thriving culture, and your desired results. At fierce, we believe in this premise of great work. And we have identified four behaviors associated with great work and human to human connection that have correlated to exceptional results for the clients and work that we’ve been doing for the past 20 years.

The first one is interrogate reality.

The second one is provoked learning.

The third one is tackle your toughest challenges.

And the fourth is while you’re doing all this, enriching relationships.

I hope you found this article as interesting as I did and also the challenge to think about this metric a little bit deeper, thought-provoking. I want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day and encourage you to pick up the book by Susan Scott, fierce love,  and remind you that the conversation is the relationship.



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