Have a Fierce Conversation | Fierce

We all want to have meaningful and real conversations in our lives – both inside and outside of work. In the workplace, Gallup has found that consistent communication — whether it occurs in person, over the phone or electronically — is connected to higher engagement. Gallup shares, “For example, employees whose managers hold regular meetings with them are almost three times as likely to be engaged as employees whose managers do not hold regular meetings with them.”

And let’s be honest – scheduling meetings is the bare minimum requirement here. What is important is the type of conversations you have. And without surprise, I will recommend you make them fierce.

The simplest definition of a fierce conversation is one in which you come out from behind yourself, into the conversation, and make it real.

You know you’re having a Fierce Conversation when:

  • You are speaking in your real voice.
  • You are speaking to the heart of the matter.
  • You are really asking and really listening.
  • You are generating heat.
  • You are enriching the relationship.
  • You are different when the conversation is over.

In your meetings, do you feel you have conversations like this? How can you introduce these elements into your daily conversations?

It is not easy. Yet, it is worth it. One of our clients, Mary Buscher from Sammons Annuity Group said, “When people are willing to look at the importance of conversations and relationships in the workplace through a new lens, amazing things occur.”

What fierce conversation has your name on it?